Organisations may require additional support to train their staff, whether it be through implementation, review of systems, direct training or by up-skilling additional trainers. Tact are able to come to you to provide a variety of TCI training, implementation and technical assistance options.
Click on the headings below for further information.
Implementation and technical assistance
TCI as a System requires initial and ongoing implementation. Tact is able to provide support options to suit initial implementation with a variety of options through to as-needed technical support. For organisations with TCI already implemented, we can provide a supported fidelity assessment providing data driven feedback in relation to strengths and areas of improvement within implementation of TCI in the organisation.
Tact works closely with the organisation to implement or review the TCI model of crisis prevention and management.
Options include:
- Assessment of crisis prevention and management system
- Plans to implement TCI tailored for the organisation
- Onsite or virtual technical assistance
Training of Trainers - TCI, TCI for Families or TCI for Schools
Long term, TCI is most effective when an agency can develop their own trainers. This assists with ongoing fidelity, implementing the system through your own documentation, policies, support plans and with regular refresher trainings etc to provide best outcomes on an ongoing basis for years to come. Initially trainers are certified as ‘Associate Trainer’. An associate trainer is a staff member from the agency that attends a train the trainer course and is able to train TCI within their own organisation. They are certified to train all Staff, Carers and Volunteers within their own organisation only.
This is a five-day intensive course. Preferably participants have previously completed the 'direct training' of the course they are to become a trainer in.
TCI Train the Trainer Program Objectives
Participants will be able to:
- Proactively prevent and/or de-escalate a potential crisis situation with a child or young person.
- Manage a crisis situation in a therapeutic manner, and, if necessary, intervene physically in a manner that reduces the risk of harm to children and staff.
- Process the crisis event with children and young people to help improve their coping strategies.
- Effectively deliver TCI training in their agencies.
Please note: The Residential Child Care Project has a certification process for TCI/TCIS/TCIF trainers. Please note that all participants must pass the certification requirements during the training in order to train TCI/TCIS/TCIF. Attendance alone does not qualify a participant to be a trainer.
Trainer Updates - for currently certified trainers only
To remain certified as a TCI/F/S trainer, attendance at a Trainers' Update within a two year period is required. Tact hosts these throughout the calendar year at a variety of locations, however organisations can arrange for Tact to come to them. At times this is due to a number of trainers requiring an Update around the same time, however it may also be a desire to up-skill the organisation in certain topics.
Various Update courses are available to provide current trainers the opportunity to renew their certification, as well as provide new information and skills designed to improve TCI/TCIS/TCIF implementation.
Please note: The Residential Child Care Project has a certification process for TCI/TCIS/TCIF trainers. Please note that all participants must pass the certification requirements during the training in order to train TCI/TCIS/TCIF. Attendance alone does not qualify a participant to be a trainer.
TCI, TCI for Families or TCI for Schools Direct Training
This training is designed to equip those supporting children directly with the knowledge, skills and attitudes of Therapeutic Crisis Intervention. The course length varies depending on the curriculum. Three days covers the Crisis Prevention and De-escalation techniques. 4-5 days are additional, for the relevant courses, when teaching any physical intervention techniques.
Participants will be able to:
- Proactively prevent and/or de-escalate a potential crisis situation with a child or young person.
- Manage a crisis situation in a therapeutic manner, and, if necessary, intervene physically in a manner that reduces the risk of harm to children and staff.
- Process the crisis event with children and young people to help improve their coping strategies.
Trainers who are certified at a Professional level are able to provide direct training within other organisations. Tact is able to contact trainers on behalf of organisations for availability to complete direct training. Costs for this varies, depending upon the trainer(s) and location of training.