TCI Update: Competence, Testing and Evaluation (CTE)


Social science literature defines competence in various ways. There are numerous descriptions of what competence entails, how it is acquired, and what it means in terms of on-the-job performance. Despite the differences, the literature is clear that competence involves three domains: knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Because TCI training is competency-based, all three of these domains must be considered when developing competence, assessing competence, or determining whether or not competency standards have been achieved in the training setting. TCI trainers have a critical role in not only training staff, but also in assessing staff competence, determining whether a training participant has met agency competency standards, and communicating competency assessments to supervisors for follow-up and additional staff development. The following learning objectives will be addressed.

Participants will be able to:

  • Define the meaning of competence
  • Describe strategies for assessing knowledge, skills, and attitudes
  • Describe the variety of considerations regarding the development and scoring of high-stakes tests
  • Demonstrate the process for developing inter-rater reliability

Develop a plan for incorporating new learning into agency TCI testing, evaluation, and certification practices


Kindly note that attendance for this update session is restricted to individuals who have successfully completed the TCI Train the Trainer program (TCI7 and TCIS only). Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

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