Trainer Certification
How do I become a Professional TCI Trainer and train externally to my organisation?
To become a professionally certified TCI Trainer, you must initially be a TCI Associate Trainer for a minimum of 12 months and deliver at least 4 TCI training.
You are also required to attend a 'Professionally Certified Trainer' 2 Day TCI Update.
The final task is to compile a portfolio for submission.
Additional tasks and details can be found on the "TCI Trainer Certification Guidelines" brochure (page 7) in the resources section. CLICK HERE
Which TCI Trainer Updates are suitable for my certification?
Generally, if an Update is listed specifically for a course, that is the certification required.
For example, if the course states "TCI Schools [Update name}", then it is specifically for Schools accredited trainers. Other trainers are unable to attend.
Broadly, some Updates can be attended by any certified TCI trainer. These include: Post Crisis Response, Designing Refresher Training, Complex Needs & Neurodiversity, Conflict Resolution, Documentation, Advanced or Professional Training Skills.
The information provided about each Update will specify if it is for only certain certifications. If there is no specification, then any certified TCI trainer can attend.